Rabbit Costume

One size fits all rabbit costume. A phrase not often heard, but one which fits my current situation. I am of course the rabbit costume. A one size fits all kind of guy. I try to be all things to all people. This often has disastrous effects. This blog will be about my efforts, exploits, and eternal musings. Stay tuned to learn, laugh, and come to love the rabbit costume.

For the rabbits sake please donate

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Hallelujah! I try pick up the hammer, it's heavy and very big, as big as the nail I need to pull out. I can't lift it. I look around for help, and realize it's very dark. I can't see anything, anyone, any light at all. I cry out with all my might, HELP!!! nothing. Again I scream at the top of the my lungs I NEED HELP ... still nothing ... nothing. No response, where is everyone? Friends, family, have they abandoned  me, am I such a failure that even my trusted have resigned me to darkness. I start running, any direction will do at this point, and calling out is there anybody out there, does any body care? I stop. I hear something, far in the distance, its music.

Hallelujah. A thought, I close my eyes and suddenly I see. I open them, darkness. I close my eyes again, and I am washed with light. They are here, not in my old reality, but my new. My trusted are here. One hands me the hammer, smaller, lighter, I can lift it, I can wield it, I feel strong, powerful, I can do anything when my trusted are behind me. I turn around, a slight smile, a small tear, and I stride back to the nails, back to my old reality, back to what I must do, and with my trusted behind me, I hold my hammer high, ready for the work ahead.

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