Rabbit Costume
One size fits all rabbit costume. A phrase not often heard, but one which fits my current situation. I am of course the rabbit costume. A one size fits all kind of guy. I try to be all things to all people. This often has disastrous effects. This blog will be about my efforts, exploits, and eternal musings. Stay tuned to learn, laugh, and come to love the rabbit costume.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
I wonder about life for a while. Meaning. Purpose. Reason. Is this all there is? I wonder about Destiny. Choice. Free will. I wonder why my trusted look sick, and they tell me to stop wondering I'm making them dizzy. Walking around in circles is harder than one might think. Especially when your brain is moving fast, your feet too slow and you wind up with your head up your ass. This is where I found myself at this point. And I don't recommend it, it really stinks in there. Which makes me wonder if I should have had that extra side of beans last night. So how to get my head out of my ass and back to smelling roses. A number of ideas occur to me. Push, squeeze, relax, repeat. No, too dangerous. Call my gay friend. No, ran out of lubricant. I've got it, I'll poll the audience. And the the results are in: 1% you're not funny, OK that is to be expected; 10% save the planet, .0005% tax cuts for the rich, alright reading the wrong post, no worries; here we go, 34% only you can prevent forest fires, wait that can't be right, oh only you can present future faith and hope for yourself, very nice, a little heavy, something to consider; 65% watch Animal House
laugh you're way out. YES, that's it, laughter, funny, good times, next to sex the best cure for anything. I'm free. And in tribute I quote from the funniest film ever "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor." " NO" "Germans?" " Forget it, he's on a roll" (©1974 Warner Brothers) So from here on out even when things get down in the dumps I know I can always laugh to help me out. Thank you every one and goodnight.
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