Rabbit Costume

One size fits all rabbit costume. A phrase not often heard, but one which fits my current situation. I am of course the rabbit costume. A one size fits all kind of guy. I try to be all things to all people. This often has disastrous effects. This blog will be about my efforts, exploits, and eternal musings. Stay tuned to learn, laugh, and come to love the rabbit costume.

For the rabbits sake please donate

Monday, January 24, 2011

Life Happens Part 2

Handle? I grab the wheel and try to pay more attention to what's ahead. The bottom of the hill is here, what now? Nothing. Ahead there is nothing. Straight, flat, empty, forever ahead. The exhilaration is gone, the past is fresh in my mind. Memories stream across my vision...recent memories I thought I knew. I watch as I would a new movie. I don't remember this scene I think to myself. At least not this way. More movies, more scenes, more stuff I didn't write. I am entranced in this life I led I didn't know. Wait I didn't understand, yes that's it, I didn't understand what was happening. As the lead in the movie I was making, I created a character and played him well. I gave my all to the role and became entrenched in the character the Director gave me to play. Watching now in the audience interpretations change. My perception of reality is questioned. Am I that character? I want to talk to the Director, I need a rewrite!

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