Rabbit Costume

One size fits all rabbit costume. A phrase not often heard, but one which fits my current situation. I am of course the rabbit costume. A one size fits all kind of guy. I try to be all things to all people. This often has disastrous effects. This blog will be about my efforts, exploits, and eternal musings. Stay tuned to learn, laugh, and come to love the rabbit costume.

For the rabbits sake please donate

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life Happens Part 1

My life seems to be going downhill in a soapbox car. Which can be nice, the wind in my hair as I cruise past the folks slowly chugging uphill with expressions of pain and hard work on their faces. Smiling and waving at the stationary onlookers cheering me on. There is no rear view mirror to remind me where I've been, only the downhill road in front of me. Though I can't see too far ahead either as I need to keep my eyes on the few feet in front of me. An exhilarating feeling this is, to be free. No cares, no responsibilities, and no brakes. In one fell swoop the feeling turns to fear and I realize that going down means I have to at some point go back up. I look again at the onlookers and hear not cheers but jeers. The uphill lane faces are not pained but determined. No mirror so I turn around and see a life fading in the distance, a life worked for and lost, a life failed. Again I am forced to look ahead of me, the bottom of the hill approaching fast, faster than expected, faster than I want, faster than I can handle?

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